Star bridge(星のブランコ)/ Hoshida park(星田園地)

にほんブログ村 アウトドアブログ 登山へ

Hiking to Hoshino Buranco. I went to hike Hoshida area yesturday. It was fine all day. Five people took part in this hiking. 

From hoshida station started, Myoken shrine , passed some of low mountain repeated, reached at Hoshida park finally. There were some seed like plants sticked around socks and under-pants, so some members was felt scratchy, it was extreamlly unconfortable path all time. So this time, I was not pre-check of the route cause being busy. Long bridge inside park, it was famous place, many group was coming, it was active day.

Kisaichi station have a famous cream bread shop.I bought many of it for my suvenier to my wife. Of course she was good mood eaten rich of custared cream, she said it was rich of egg york, maybe it was precious. I said nothing about it. It was nice day, all member was happy even if they could NOT joined it, either. 



