第5話 What's fermenting?

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5つ星のうち5.0 Aieve Fermentation Lids


This is a fabulous fermenting kit. I use these lids on my wide top mason jars for all kinds of fermenting. I like the fact they are all-in-one and have a dial to remind you how long the ferment has been. Cause I have lots a different ferments going on at the same time. I would have liked some glass submersible weights (the type with a grab handle) to complete the kit. I had to purchase these separately, but otherwise a really good purchase.
なんですか? fermentって・・・
→ 受験勉強で勉強した英語が、全く役に立たないではないか・・・
5つ星のうち5.0 Heck yeah2019年10月19日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済みAmazonで購入I bought this kit and immediately fermented cucumbers for a dill pickle recipe. I would have appreciated some instruction on the pump, mostly because I wasn't sure how many times to work the plunger after capping the jars. I did use glass weights as I have had issues with product floating up and molding in the past. These are well made lids and my fermented pickles came out great. I am going to see if they make the gallon size, to add to my fementation arsonal. I would reccommend these. I previously purchased the lids with the Pee trap design that protrudes from the top and I think these offer a much lower profile for storing on shelves.

何? cucumbers  ククムバー? → どうやら、キュウリらしい・・・

Desiree Harper

5つ星のうち5.0 USE FOR CURING YOUR CANNABIS! high quality!2020年12月2日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済みAmazonで購入This is the exact same kit as the burp lids kit being sold as a cannabis curing kit. Folks don't seem to understand how this works...you screw aburp lid on a wide mouthed jar, then place the pump over the place it fits in the center of the lid, and pump it until it is no longer able to pump more air out of the jar. That's it...to open the jar, you have to use a finger to lift on the rubber center seal in the center of the lid and release the pressure before unscrewing the lid...The process of pumping the air out of the jar must be reperformed after each time the jar is opened, It doesn't hurt to come back once a day or so and pull another vaccum just to ensure it hasn't leaked down....it doesn't seem like it will though...the lids are good sturdy quality, and they are airtight...This kit is a few bucks cheaper than the burp lids that are black and green, and marketed as cure jar burp lids.
cannabis カナビス? なんやねん?
→ 調べたら、大麻やった・・・
→ 漬物文化は、万国共通なのかもしれない。