Final day of golden week.

Long and enjoyable golden week was finished with the last event of Azuchi castle ruins and mount Kinugasa yesturday.

Wether is rainy today, so much rain is continuouslly falling down, it will be much worse if I've still been in the mountain.

I ve started rearrange my gear, took out from my backpack, and thought ,this was required but this was not, and so on.

The young man who had met yesturday was interesting. The first impression is somehow indoorsie, of couse he said it so for himself, but talking deeply , he was quite cleaver at speaking English indeed. He said he had started learning English at his college student age, his friend was able to speak seven language, English, French, Chinese, and so on. He was amazed it so much and started his studying. He had been worked at US 2 years after graduate collage, that was the chance he could be able to improve his English, his story was interesting for me and much useful tips for me.

Finaly, this golden week filled my life with a special refreshment. So I had to return to my ordinary life tomorrow.

Life is wonderful and enjoyable, so I think.